We all make misteaks
Based on my Blog "The Joy of Texts" earlier in the week can I add briefly:
Signed up christians of Orthodox faiths in the main would claim that the Bible is infallible. Or some "inerrant." "'Inerrant' means there are no errors; 'infallible' means there can be no errors." - no mistakes then. Hmmm. Well I disagree. The original ancient languages of Hebrew and Greek are still being translated, the new translations hold new meanings, sometimes dramatically so and as such I find Biblical texts / scripture very difficult to accept on an intellectual level, as Plenary – absolute truth – absolutely “God breathed”. God inspired no doubt but directly out of Gods gob? I think not. God I reckon wouldn't make mistakes as obvious as typo's and mispronunciations.
For many disillusioned god botherers and many many more atheists this has become a key stone to their fading faith or lack of it.
It needs far more discussion than the few lines I'm offering up now but as a thumbnail sketch of my current position I'd like to state for the record that it doesn't bother me a jot (in terms of my faith in Jesus) that there are questionable and contradictory elements to the holy book of christians. It is THE most incredible signpost to God in my opinion. It does bother me however, that even though this is common knowledge amongst theologians, ministers, priests, vicars, pastors etc that the text is treated as The Law and that questionable contents are used and abused to pressurise or control people. Surely, this wouldn't be a loving God's plan? And I do believe in a loving and compassionate God.
So why did bring this up again? Well actually it was so I could just lend a bit of support to my brother Dave. Dave's a stinking heathen of an atheist and I love him very much. He made a mistake reading an appointment date for some pretty important hospital tests that he thought he'd be having today. It's actually next week. So in making the mistake he's caused himself quite a bit of distress and I dare say anguish as he was waiting and now has to wait even longer. I'd just like to say Dave, we all make mistakes mate and at least your misunderstanding probably wont lead to any wars or persecution. Shalom.
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