
The Joy of Texts

A Conversation on FaceAche Yesterday:

ORIGINAL POST: The Christ Paul met was not the historical Jesus in the flesh, but the risen and eternal Christ that had exploded into history for him—and for us. His most common single phrase in all his letters is “en Cristo,” his code word for a life and energy field that fills and surrounds everything. This cosmic Christ is a “knowing” that you only come to by personal experience. You cannot prove it to anybody who is not there herself. ( RR again)
      REPLY: ‎"Life and energy field" is not a scriptural phrase or category. The New Testament says that only Christians are in Christ, and therefore the concept of being in Christ most definitely cannot refer to a life and energy field that fills and surrounds everything. This is a new age concept with no foundation in Scripture whatsoever.
      ME - So what? - I believe 100% that Jesus is God - I have faith in Jesus, I follow Him, I worship Him. I don't believe in scripture - Do we worship the same or a different Jesus?
      "REPLYER” If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17). So How can in Christ mean a life and energy field surrounding everything, without the whole world having been saved and reborn? This is unscriptural and bogus: Ii don't care who RR is they are out of the New Testament here.
      ME: I repeat so what? Can you only believe in Jesus if you follow (and quote) the New Testament as total truth. Would your faith in Jesus be worthless if you no longer used the guide book? Would Jesus still have faith in you?
      ORIGINAL POSTER Oooh! A big discussion! You can all decide what you think for yourselves - I am not taking sides! Yes, good evangelical viewpoint, REPLYER. The RR is Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest: he often says controversial things and uses worldly words to make his point, but he is a true follower of Jesus. His point about the 'Cosmic Christ' is what Phil says - Jesus fills everything. Yes, He is the only Saviour! Read some more Rohr and you'll get more where 'the dude' is coming from.
      Ray - do you really not believe in Scripture at all? You are a worse case than I thought! ;-)
      NEW POST: Can anyone else "hear" ORIGINAL's celebration of Jesus? Why not paint our glorious Jesus with all the colours from this awesome Universe's palette? I know ORIGINAL - she is not advocating a universalist pantheism. Her quote might borrow concepts from quantum physics; and perhaps the discontinuity between the historical Jesus of Nazareth and the post-Resurrection Christ of faith is a little too pronounced but, to be fair, it is impossible to contain all balanced truth in one sentence isnt it? Provided that the basic christology is correct then what's the problem? In fact her christology is so correct that when I look at her I see Jesus. And when I grow up I want to be like ORIGINAL and who knows, I might even become more like Jesus...
      ORIGINAL POSTER: WHAAHH! “NEW POST”! You men are all so serious and heavy duty! And guess what - I love you all - Anglican vicar with wonderful wooden cross round neck, crazy poet and provocateur, sometime red-haired drummer aka Animal, slightly slipped questioning ex charismatic... You are ALL my brothers and Dad says 'Love one another' So there! ;-)
      ME: I am in a bad way aren't I “ORIGINAL”! I'm just waiting for the thunderbolt and & my bits to explode ! I don't Believe in the Bible. I trust in it's wisdom, but I no longer accept it's inner rant ( spelling mine) and plenary status. I find it's constant use as a lever very controlling. I have used and abused it when I pastored, and I have had it used as a weapon against me. I have no problems with people who do believe the god breathed title it has acquired although I do get angry when scripture is dogmatically applied. Dogma dulls the wits. We can all get clever, clever and play theological scriptural tennis but in the end the ball will go out of play. Your application of the teachings of Richard Rohr fit perfectly into the conversation and your open and enquiring mind is to be applauded.
      ORIGINAL POSTER then gave out my blog address: www.alwayspersonalneverprivate.blogspot.com They said - You might find a lot you agree with! They then said - Thanks for the kind words and support, guys. I love the Scriptures but they are of course written by men (no women?) and open to all sorts of interpretation... We have had some set interpretations and now they are being questioned more and more. Nothing to be scared of - God is bigger than that: God is LOVE xx

So there we are a conversation about differences in approach to worshipping the same God. Or is it the same God? The REPLYER never got back to us in answer to my questions. Maybe they couldn't be arsed or maybe they are too steeped in the religion and dogma as I suggested to risk mixing with we unclean sorts to carry on the discussion.

The Jesus I follow used to get pretty pissed off with the overtly religious sorts around him. They were known as Pharisees. Jesus accused them of hypocrisy and pretentiousness, and pronounced upon them a succession of “woes” - his exclamation of great sorrow and distress in their ways – at one point calling them a brood of vipers! Something tells me he wasn't enamoured with religiosity.

Neither am I that's why I said I get angry with closed minds which in my opinion leads to closed hearts and the kind of exclusivity that REPLYER suggests - “Christians Only”.

It was great that the “NEW POSTER came to support the ORIGINAL POSTER with which if simplified into plain English would be a great statement of faith. I whole heartedly agree on one point when they say “it is possible to contain all balanced truth in one sentence isnt it”? - I reckon you can ;

“God IS”

Still I could be wrong ( it has to happen one day) and if so maybe I need to say sorry and repent (my arse). The timing of my friend The Naked Pastor was excellent with his cartoon today which begins this blog.

Anyhow – Following this exchange I've some food for thought for a couple of other things I might want to share with you............... Catch you later Plebs.

PS Thanks Redhead for being the ORIGINATOR!

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